Bach Bibliography
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Author : Cohen, Dalia
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Cohen, Dalia; Wagner, NaphtaliConcurrence and nonconcurrence between learned and natural schemata: The case of J.S. Bach's saraband in C minor for cello solo. JNewMResearch 29 1 Mar 2000 23-36
2. Golomb, Uri; Cohen, DaliaThe Crucifixus from Bach's B-minor Mass: The Reflection of the Work in Performance. [p]BICB_Belfast Jul 2010
3. Segev, Idith; Cohen, DaliaSignificant Occurrence in Even Musical Texture in Bach's Preludes. A Study Using Mathematical Tools. [p]BICB_Belfast Jul 2010
4. Cohen, DaliaBach: Forerunner of the Future through Exploration of the Potential of Learned and Natural Schemata. [p]IS_Oxford Dec 2001
5. Cohen, DaliaComplexity and Flexibility Combined with a Directional Superstructure in the Instrumental Opening of 'Erbarme dich'. [p]SMA_Glasgow Apr 2009
6. Cohen, DaliaBach: Forerunner of the Future through Exploration of the Potential of Learned and Natural Schemata. UnderstandingBach 3 2008 9-30

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita